What's New


  • List of Models on Settings page when Limit Exceeded with links to edit or delete
  • Delete option for the WooCommerce Featured Product Image to AR Model woocommerce single product template file
  • PHP 8.1 compatibility update


  • QR Code fix issue where it appears as white box


  • Emissive Lighting Option
  • Light Color Option with ColorPicker
  • Further QR Code API improvements


  • Bug and styling fixes


  • QR Code and performance issue bug fixes


  • QR Code image improvements
  • Add New Model Page display improvements


  • Fixed incompatibility issues with QR code generation if imagick not enabled


  • Custom View in AR and View in 3D text options
  • 3D Gallery Uploader bug fixes
  • Reality File Mime Type update


  • Fix 3D Gallery image upload issue
  • QR code script adjustment


  • QR Code implementation of php QR Code library to replace Google API
  • Alternative model for AR display option
  • Show Model Fields Toggle Option
  • Saving model bug fixes


  • Woocommerce High-Performance Order Storage compatibility update
  • Right-to-left (RTL) language display issues fixed


  • Fixed issues when saving Variable product variation models
  • improved compatibility with AR for WordPress plugin
  • Javascript improvements


  • CSS update to fix AR button clickabilitiy
  • Fixed issue where 3D Gallery Builder would apply default GLB file when no image was chosen
  • Added script to reload Gutenburg post editing page when post is published or updated
  • Added option to link Hotspots to URLs
  • Restriction to ensure the chosen subscription domain matches the domain of the site


  • Interface redesign
  • Addition of 3D Gallery Builder - Create a 3D model of your image file in a pircture frame
  • Improved loading and user friendliness


  • Documentation Links


  • Addition of Animation Selector in model editor


  • Fix of blocks_categories deprecated error
  • Fix for erros when directly accessing files


  • Firefox fallback options
  • Addition of Alternative Model For Mobile option


  • Fixed issue with Product Saving


  • Variable Product Support
  • Fix to Elementor Pro issue
  • Improvements to woocommerce product model support
  • Improvements to opening AR models directly from QR codes
  • Improvements to Woocommerce Single Product Image template
  • Improvements to arview shortcode


  • Improvement of QR Code Destination to open the model in AR view with friendly urls


  • Addition of Rotation Limits - Restrict the amount the user can rotate the model in the viewer
  • Addition of Disable Zoom option
  • Addition of QR Code Destination option on a per model basis
  • Improvements of AR Model Editing page layout


  • Addition of Loading and hidden model viewer whilst loading on QR code stand alone model links
  • Improvements to category option in ardisplay shortcode
  • Further Android intent URL improvements


  • Admin Interface styling improvements
  • Admin - Auto update of model when new file uploaded or chosen from Media Library
  • Open AR automatically with QR code when global setting is Model Viewer
  • Zoom constraints improvements
  • Popup close button improvements when using ar-view shortcode
  • Set Featured AR image now using REST API
  • Android intent URL improvements


  • AR View shortcode improvement to fix Android AR loading issue


  • Updated Woocommerce Product Image template
  • Reset to Initial View Option Globally and per model
  • Improvements to ar-view shortcode


  • Custom QR Code Image override generated QR Code on each product
  • Custom QR Code Destination override the URL used for generated QR Code on each product
  • Disable Prompt on each model
  • Improved JS handling


  • Global setting to choose units for Dimensions - m, cm, mm, in
  • Disable model interaction - no rotating and zooming in browser view only
  • ar-view shortcode addition of the buttons attribute to display links as html buttons
  • Fail safe in place if qr code cannot be generated


  • Improved licence key feedback on settings page
  • Elementor Fix
  • Copy the Woocomerce Single Product template file to your theme via button on Settings Page


  • Addition of Gutenberg Block
  • Addition of text option for ar-view shortcode, opening in popup fullscreen
Please visit Augmented Reality Plugins to view the full change log.